Getting out of This World


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If you listen to the news on television and the radio or read the newspapers, you’ll agree that people are worried about the state of our planet. The Earth doesn’t seem to be able to hold up in its present condition.  Scientists are sounding the alarm, holding conferences and summits to discuss the problem and get the word out,  mostly to those they think are causing the problem. The dire warnings hinge on climate change. The United Nations and world leaders are collaborating on strategies  to  help preserve the planet and life on it.

Well, one billionaire who foresees  a terrifying scenario for humanity on Planet  Earth  wants to do something for the preservation of the race when things get out of hand. He has devised a clever way  to  escape the impending doom by  developing and funding a venture called SpaceX. Paul Rincon of the BBC News gives us a peek into this daring plan.  He writes,  “Elon Musk is developing a vehicle that could be a game-changer for space travel.  Starship, as it is known, will be a fully reusable  transport system capable of carrying up to 100 people to the Red Planet.” So there you have it. Get off this ill-fated planet and get onto Mars. The  reason for the new location? To preserve civilization.  If Earth were to experience a catastrophe, such as a large asteroid attack, there would be somewhere to run to, at least that is Mr. Musk’s plan, according to  Paul Rincon.

Elon  Musk’s SpaceX venture is intended to develop what we might call  space-farers. They will be like the seafarers of old, our twenty-first century  Ferdinand Magellan, Vasco da Gama, even Christopher Columbus.  Our modern explorers will be America’s  new Lewis and Clark up above instead of out West!  It’s a daring prospect. Some see this kind of exploration  as humans’  capacity to push the boundaries as far as their abilities will take them.  As poet Robert Browning wrote,  “Ah, but a man’s reach should exceed his grasp, or what’s a heaven for?”   You have to buck the limitation, the poet is saying. Well, Elon Musk is certainly bucking it. It doesn’t matter that the grand launch of Starship has had delays, had to be scrubbed, and even exploded after being briefly in the air. The quest will continue.

But at the risk of sounding like a Luddite, someone who is against all forms of progress,  I have a few questions about the proposal for  humans to colonize  Mars. What will those initial intrepid explorers be like?  Will they be any different from our faulty, defective human beings?  What will they be  taking with them to Mars?  Along with their  construction tools, will they take guns with them? Knowing certain  earthlings’  penchant for their weapons–for self-defense, of course–I’m sure these first families will take them just in case things get messy when the Martians refuse to yield their territory.

Then, too, they are preparing Starship, but are they preparing the people? The spaceship has flaws, and so do the people –all 100 of those who will be going on the flight. Will they be different from their earth-bound selves? Will they be free from greed, lying, jealousy,  covetousness, self-centeredness?  I hope they’ll take peace and contentment with them, but one can never tell. Remember that  the Israelites who exited Egypt on their way to the Promised Land were a group of grumblers and complainers, thus making the journey arduous for their leader.

Consider the  direction of this planned escape.  A spaceship carrying humans seeking their own destiny will be going up, a somewhat  upside-down mission. For  the Creator of the  universe has other  plans,  not merely for 100 people in a spaceship but a grand venture open to all humankind on His return to Earth.  He says,  “And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also” (John 14;3 NKJV).  We would do well to wait in earnest preparation and joyful anticipation for that  Promise to be fulfilled.



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“Let’s face it,  space is a risky business. I always considered 
every  launch  a barely controlled explosion.”
Aaron Cohen,  NASA Administrator



  • Nanette Schell

    I am smiling to myself Judith. Nice thought about going beyond where no one else has gone before.
    But 100 people at a time would be just too slow. Besides, what happens if they want to come home early?
    They will probably take weapons to kill one another as man is the only animal which has them, and the only ones who use weapons to kill one another. Then the population on the Red Plannet would be cut in half and the people are back to square one trying to fathom how to make the best of a bad idea.
    As far as going off the earth to another place in time I wouldn’t think too many people would be too eager to sign up. Perhaps Mr. Musk should consider something less challenging and put his money into solving the problems here on mother earth so we can all live in peace and think up other solutions to combat mother nature’s wrath.

    • Judith Nembhard

      Nan, you said you were smiling as you wrote, and I was smiling as I read your comment. What if some of the Mars immigrants want to leave and come home? you ask. That would be a dilemma for the crew’s commander. The planners of the venture will have to take a whole lot into consideration. It’s a fascinating idea that Mr. Musk has, but he needs to rethink his priorities. Do some good here on earth, as you suggest. Thank you for a good comment as always. JN

  • Fartema M Fagin

    Getting out of This World
    I really had to ‘chew’ on this blog for a while. ‘The Great Divorce’ by C. S. Lewis is about a trip from hell to heaven on a bus. Elon Musk’s SpaceX for the preservation of the race is a puzzling thought to me. I find it hard to wrap my head around that trip. I’m willing to wait for the second coming of Christ where there is a promise of something better. Still scratching my head…….

    • Judith Nembhard

      Hello Fartema,

      Mr. Musk believes something cataclysmic is going to happen to this earth. He wants to help some humans to survive. Prepare now for the inevitable by going to Mars. The practice trips are to help people get ready for the great escape. Quite a plan! But the Lord has a better plan. We can safely prepare for that one. Thanks for your comment. JN