Easing the Load

“Bear one another’s burdens, and  so fulfill the law  of Christ.” Galatians 6:2 (NKJV)

The well-known question, “Am I my brother’s keeper?” is hinted at in today’s focus text, and, according to the apostle Paul,  the answer to the question  is Yes.  But, ironically, it’s hard to be our brother’s keeper if we don’t know what’s going on with one another. I’m sure you’ve heard these  self-effacing words at one time or another: “I didn’t want to burden you.” They’re said by parents, children,  and sometimes  good friends. How sad that some people, ourselves included, are unwilling to be vulnerable and allow a fellow Christian  the privilege of sharing their burden, thus living out the gospel.

The apostle’s directive to bear the  burdens of fellow believers is not to be taken lightly, because he follows up the command with “and so fulfill the law of Christ.” So then, we’re  obeying Christ’s teachings and adhering to  His desires whenever we consider the needs of others. Some practical-minded individuals  may argue that they have enough burdens of their own, so there’s no room  for carrying  someone else’s. But when we put another’s burden on our shoulders, it doesn’t add weight to ours; it lighten theirs.  We extend ourselves to give comfort in word and deed to help ease their pain. Sickness, loss, financial setback, broken relationships all give us opportunities to draw near to the other person in loving  concern.

Significantly,  today’s verse in the chapter hinges on the one before it. Here’s where the burden bearing really matters. The text says that if an individual sins, those who are spiritual should  “restore such a one in gentleness, considering yourself, lest you also be tempted.” This is a true test of burden-bearing. We  help someone who has made a terrible mistake and is feeling morally beaten down, rejected by God, and very likely by fellow believers. This is the time to put a shoulder under that load to help “restore” that person to his or her former morally strong condition. And we do this, knowing that we ourselves, as feeble humans, are prone to make mistakes. In gentleness we come alongside the fallen one and help him back toward moral maturity.

May we take Paul’s counsel seriously and gently  bear one another’s burdens so that they will not be inclined  to feel that they are a burden.

PRAYER:  Lord, with your heart of love, I can learn to bear another’s burden and help fulfill the purpose of your kingdom.




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Burdens are lifted at Calvary.”
– John M. Moore –


  • Iris J Ogburn

    Thanks for the perspective of knowing another’s burden to help them carry it. Prayer meeting was an opportunity to hear another’s testimony of praise and prayer requests. Post-covid has not fully restored that gathering and I miss that. I didn’t realize how much I was encouraged by the testimonies.

    • Judith Nembhard

      Iris, I’m glad you found today’s devotional meaningful. Yes, hearing someone else’s testimony can do a lot for us by way of gratitude and encouragement. And it shows us where our help is needed. Thank you for sharing. JN


    Hi Judith, this devotional message about bearing one’s burden brings to mind a conversation with Alton after his father died in 2020 of natural causes. April my home in Chattanooga was heavily damaged by the tornado. I was homeless for a period of time. My insurance agent approved rental payments for an apartment near Alton’s apartment.
    ” Momma, I don’t have a purpose in life anymore since Daddy died.”
    I assured him that he still had a purpose, and to ask God to reveal his purpose to him.
    Today, he is embracing life fully. We were a support to each other through our grief journey bearing our burden of loss together while we found a ‘new normal.’
    But God!

    • Judith Nembhard

      Fartema, your story is an encouragement to us all. God gives us strength to bear our burdens and those of others. JN