In the Light

“When Jesus spoke to the people,  he said, ‘I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.’ ”  John 8:12 (NIV)

Light, vital for all life.  Anyone who has ever been through a severe weather event  knows what it’s like to  be in the dark for days.  Once when I  lived in Jamaica in the early two thousands, a  devastating hurricane left us in the capital without  electricity for almost two weeks. When the lights finally came back on,  a collective shout of  gladness  was heard in our neighborhood. Light had come. We no longer had to walk in darknes.

It’s worth noting that the theme of light and darkness occurs throughout scripture as well as in secular literature, and  they are always in contrast with each other, always incompatible. Symbolically, light is good; darkness is evil. Darkness  is cultural and is associated with people’s deeds, wherein  they abandon the good and gravitate toward the bad. Because of their confused values, they  call good evil and evil good. Today the darknes is so  pervasive in the world  that it is almost palpable.

Light, on the other hand, is always associated with the good. It is a source of power  that helps  people  see clearly,  discern right from wrong, and make wise choices. Whoever is following after Christ is a child of light. It takes the light of Christ to pierce through the darkness in the world.  And the light that  radiates from Him permeates our lives so that we will never walk in darkness.  Light is the essence of God’s presence, and Jesus came into the world  to bring us that light. Following Him  helps  us to clearly see who the Father is and what the true values of His kingdom  are so that we may live by them.  With the light of Christ in us, we in turn become lights that dispel darkness wherever we go.

Prayer: Father of light, we claim the light of your presence to help us live faithfully in this dark world.




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May these devotional readings bring you inspiration for living life more abundantly.


    • Judith Nembhard

      Hello Iris, I’m blessed today just to have you and your kind comment as a part of my day. Seriously, I’ll be feeling good just remembering you. God bless. JN

  • Doreen Thompson

    Today’s devotion “In The Light” triggered memories of my youth when we used to sing so heartily the American Negro Spiritual:
    “This little light of mine, I’m going to let it shine, Let it shine, Let it shine, Let it shine..”
    The 4th stanza of another Gospel hymn: “Send the Light” also speaks to your admonition for us: “Let us not grow weary in the work of love… Send the light, send the light.. Send the light the blessed gospel light; Let it shine from shore to shore, Let it shine for-ever-more.
    As you so aptly point out Judith:
    with the light of Christ in us and shining through us, we can, indeed, light up the way for others who may be groping in darkness.

    • Judith Nembhard

      Hi Doree, I too remember those days when we sang those songs with zest and meaning. And you know what? They weren’t just songs. They helped shaped us, giving direction to our lives. I daresay, they still matter in our spiritual walk. Thank you for reading the post. We’re being blessed together. JN

  • Hyacinth Reece-Headley

    Thank you Judith for your insprational message. It is so needed in times like these. We need to shine our light so others may see jesus in us. Continue sending these post they so needed today.

    • Judith Nembhard

      Hello Hyacinth,
      Just to know that you are getting the devotions and find them helpful is satisfying to me. Thank you for your enccouraging words. We are being blessed as we journey together. JN

      • Judy Brown

        Thank you so much for this inspirational post. It helped me so much especially with my own troubles these last few weeks. I am fortunate to have you as a friend & neighbor

        • Judith Nembhard

          JUdy, it’s good to know that you found the post helpful in a time when you needed it. I’m glad to know that you are mending nicely. JN

  • Estella Harvey

    Dear Judith,
    Thank you so much for the wonderful posts you bless us with. “In the Light” reminds me of God’s omnipresence and ways I try to emit his love in my daily living.
    May you continue to be blessed in abundance.

    Love & Peace,

    • Judith Nembhard

      I’m getting a post ready for sharing tomorrow morning. I signed on, and there was your comment. Such a wonderful surprise to hear from you and a most welcome expression of your walk in the light. Thanks for your uplifting words. JN