• No Greater Love

    “But the greatest of these is love.” 1 Corinthians 13:13 The wise man Solomon declared that there is a time to love, and at this time dedicated to love, it’s a pleasing sight to watch  the men—young ones and older ones alike—as they walk out of the grocery store,  carrying long-stem roses and dainty posies.  Some of the fellows  look a little self-conscious; others wear a telling smile. They’re participating in an annual ritual  built on a day  devoted to love.  No matter what the private motivation may be for these men, the sentiment is a welcome one even if it’s only  for  one day each year. None of us…

  • Do Not Worry

    “But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added to you. Therefore, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things.”  Matthew 6:33, 34 (NKJV) In one of my older Bibles, I found written next to our focus text for today the words “Do not worry.”  I’m sure that I needed to hear the message for that day and wrote the words to remind me not to worry about anything. Perhaps  you don’t worry, but I do,  even when I don’t have any reason to.  Someone who worries like this is called a “worry wart.”  I don’t remember…

  • Dressed in the Best

    . “I will greatly rejoice in the Lord, my soul shall be joyful in my God, for He has clothed me with the garment of salvation, he hath covered me  with the robe of righteousness.” Isaiah 61:10 I receive a monthly mission magazine that features people from different cultures, including African. I always pause to admire the clothing of the African women in their  attractive  outfits  in  rich, diverse patterns   and  vibrant colors. Do clothes matter today?  Yes, they do;  people put a lot of emphasis on what they wear. In a sense, we still believe in the adage, “Clothes make the man.”  Or the woman. A new group has…

  • What’s the Good Word?

    “These things I have spoken to you,  that My joy may remain in you and that your joy  may be full.”  John 15:11 (NKJV). On January 1, I began reading a new devotional  book for this year, and it is a blessed addition  to my quiet time each morning.   In  two of the  entries, the writers  mentioned that they always choose a word at the beginning of a year as the word that they will make their theme for living during that  year. That’s a great idea,  I thought.  Something I had never tried before, even though I am a lover of words. I decided to join the two women…

  • Unashamed

    “For  I am  not ashamed  of the gospel  of  Christ, for  it is the  power of  God  for  salvation for  everyone  who  believes.”        Romans 1:16 (NKJV) I don’t know how it is in your neighborhood, but around here in the fall  football season, the signs are  inescapable. The fans turn out in their bragging mode, showing their colors  with the Big Orange T visible everywhere. Flags fly from  car windows and on porches. I think it’s not only the college-age young people that  show their colors. Alumni of all ages also give evidence that they have the school spirit. And it’s a good thing to do. Our…

  • A Rewarding Search

    “And you will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart.” Jeremiah 29:13 (NKJV) In our internet age, just about everyone is  familiar with  a  “search.” We  go online and check into Google and search for nearly everything.  Google handles about 70% of all internet searches worldwide, but there are other search engines besides Google, and  AI-powered answers are now available to almost any question. But the search that our focus text  is referring to is  not  for information nor  merely for satisfying our curiosity. It is a search that brings us  into communication with the One who gives us  far more than AI-generated…

  • A Resolution to Love

    “Beloved, let us love one another,  for love is of God  and  everyone  who  loves is  born of  God  and  knows  God.” 1 John 4:7  (NKJV) For some reason, New Year’s resolutions are often short-lived. We make them, and in a few days—perhaps a few weeks—after trying to keep them, we slip up, and soon we go on as if we had never made them. If this has happened to you, don’t feel ashamed of your track record; we’re all in  this together. We tend not to keep our resolutions  because of problems with the resolutions themselves. For one thing,  they are often  simple and inconsequential, desired cosmetic changes  that…

  • A Time to Stand Still

    “And Moses said to the people, Do not  be afraid. Stand still, and  see the salvation of the Lord, which  He will accomplish  for you today.” Exodus 14:3  (NKJV) As is usually the case at the end of a year and the start of another, many people are ready to make a move, to get up and go, move ahead. It may be that moving  gives them a sense  of a fresh start,   a new perspective,  a change of environment or more desirable  prospects. But in some situations,  it is best  before taking off  on something new to stand still  and see what happens. When I was a youngster, a…

  • Sing Along

    “Sing aloud to God our strength; make a joyful noise  to the God of Jacob. Raise a song and strike the timbrel, the pleasant harp, and the lute.” Psalm 81:1 (NIV) Christmas is a happy time for most people, despite all the hustle and bustle and  the pressures that come with the holiday.  It’s a longstanding tradition that at Christmas we make room for singing in our homes, in churches, in concert halls, in schools, and even in the shopping mall. The world thrives on the music of this season,  the traditional carols.  They not only tell of the miraculous  birth of  our Savior, but  they are  wonderfully singable  and …

  • Welcome the Sun

    “Truly the  light is sweet. And it is pleasant  for the eyes to behold the sun.” Ecclesiastes 11:7  (NKJV) One thing that people in the Caribbean know about is sunshine. They don’t need the tourism  ads to remind  them  how brilliant it is  or how gorgeous it looks at mid-afternoon. They know. They have it year round, except on those days  when  a hurricane threatens and the  dark, thick clouds glower above the Caribbean Sea. As a Caribbean person myself,  I know about the sun, including  its penetrating rays that cause perspiration  to be a constant discomfort. Do we in  the island  ever feel glad for the sun?  I must…