A Rewarding Search

“And you will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart.” Jeremiah 29:13 (NKJV)

In our internet age, just about everyone is  familiar with  a  “search.” We  go online and check into Google and search for nearly everything.  Google handles about 70% of all internet searches worldwide, but there are other search engines besides Google, and  AI-powered answers are now available to almost any question.

But the search that our focus text  is referring to is  not  for information nor  merely for satisfying our curiosity. It is a search that brings us  into communication with the One who gives us  far more than AI-generated answers.

Have you ever searched for something that you misplaced and really needed? . A few months ago, after grocery shopping, I   noticed that I had been charged for several items that I hadn’t received.  I decided to return to the store with my receipt.  The problem was that in that short time, I had misplaced the receipt. I was frantic, checking  drawers and  trash cans over and over. I was like the woman in the parable,  searching for her lost coin. It was exhausting. Finally, I prayed, “Lord, help me.”  At that moment, I was standing right next to the drawer where I  had  put the receipt. Impressed by God’s answer, I thanked Him profusely.

Of course, our Lord doesn’t want us to exhaust ourselves searching for Him.  The search that we must conduct is spiritual,  a heart-search, a deep, sincere desire to get close to Him  and have His Spirit living in us.  We search  through prayer, not just “a word of prayer,” as is often said; but time spent in conversation with God, talking with Him as to a  Friend. This prayer time is devoted to seeking to draw close to our Savior to let Him fill us up with His  grace and power.  When we have established a personal relationship with  Him,  He is only too willing to respond to our call.  He knows where we are. He says, “You will find Me.”  And that’s a promise.

Let us seek the Lord deeply, consciously pressing into His presence.  In our  services we often sing the reassuring song “He Is Only a Prayer Away. ” May we  expend every effort to search for Him in earnest prayer today so that His awesome presence will  inhabit our hearts.




Praying Hands - An Inspirational Painting

“Those  who  seek the Lord
    lack  no good thing.”
Psalm 34:10