A Resolution to Love
“Beloved, let us love one another, for love is of God and everyone who loves is born of God and knows God.” 1 John 4:7 (NKJV)
For some reason, New Year’s resolutions are often short-lived. We make them, and in a few days—perhaps a few weeks—after trying to keep them, we slip up, and soon we go on as if we had never made them. If this has happened to you, don’t feel ashamed of your track record; we’re all in this together.
We tend not to keep our resolutions because of problems with the resolutions themselves. For one thing, they are often simple and inconsequential, desired cosmetic changes that don’t make a major difference in our lives or in the world around us. We plan to make external changes, perhaps in the way we look or would like to look to others.
In our focus text, we have a real basis for a new year’s resolution: love. It is love that constrains us to do and hope for changes that are worthwhile, changes that work from the inside out. To make our journey through the year a joy-filled one, we need to demonstrate love—love to God, love for others, and love for ourselves. The range of love is broad and has a divine source; therefore, when we make a resolution to love, we are destined to succeed. It’s the kind of desire that God looks at favorably and is willing to give us the power to achieve.
There may be someone within our circle of influence who is difficult to love, but if our heartfelt resolution is to love everyone, God will provide the power and the opportunities to make it happen. Our God of love will honor a resolution that sets before Him a desire to love a particular person, despite that individual’s unlovable ways. He will provide the grace to help us make an attitude change. And it will happen if we are “born of God” and “know God.”
With a heart set on following the directive in our focus text, let us resolve this year to love one another and surprise ourselves halfway through the year to find that we’re loving everyone—including the unloving and the seemingly unlovable ones—because we have been born of God, who is love.
“Let brotherly [and sisterly] love
Hebrews 13:1