Water for the Thirsty

“Therefore with joy you will draw water from the wells of salvation.”  Isaiah 12:3

The video made a strong impression on me.  It was produced by a church volunteer organization  that builds wells for people  living in dry places in Africa. Drought and other  environmental conditions have robbed  the people of the water that is so vital to life.  For years, the organization has been  digging in the brutally dry  soil and building wells—simple structures leading from an underground source.  In the video, when the water was turned on, people came running from every direction bringing containers to fill. One youngster simply stood by the pipe, cupped his hands,  and drank deeply; then  he gave a wide, joyful grin. The picture of that boy sells the organization’s value as well as makes a statement about the blessing of  water.

Our focus text points us to the well of salvation, the source where the water of life is freely available. The  short chapter of Isaiah 12  is a song, triumphantly praising  the  God of our salvation.  The words of praise make it clear that  God Himself  is our salvation, the  God  who is our  “strength and  our song” (verse 2).

Just as the people in the village  ran excitedly toward the water source, we too must come eagerly and joyfully to the Water of Life, the Lord  Jesus, who is able to quench our spiritual  thirst. As  Christians, we should naturally desire refreshing water from Jesus daily to make us live fulfilled lives  in Him.  But sometimes circumstances cause us to inhabit a desert  place.  The vicissitudes of life leave us dry, spiritually parched.  We long for the  relief that  only  God can give. It is at such times  that we come  running to Him, and He provides the satisfying water— strength  and courage for renewal.  He puts a new song in our heart, and we exclaim with the songwriter: “As water to the thirsty. . . so is my Lord, my living Lord, so is my Lord to me.” *

Our Bible  text holds  a promise.  The water that the Lord provides has eternal benefits. It is water springing up  into everlasting life (John 4:14). We take hold of the promise and  drink  from the wells  for our salvation  here and now and hereafter.



*Timothy Dudley Smith


Rivers and Streams Compose Much More of Earth's Surface Than ...

Ho, everyone  that is thirsty, come to the waters.”
Isaiah 55:1



    • Judith Nembhard

      Hello Ramona,
      Good to hear from you. This is a dry, parched world, needing the Water of Life. Bless God that we know where to find it. And we are so privileged to help others find it. Thanks for sharing. Merry Christmas to you! JN