Recognizing Him

“When the sun came up,  Jesus was standing on the beach, but they didn’t recognize Him.”
John 21:4 (NIV)

It has happened to many of us at one time or another.  We failed to recognize a friend or someone we knew well  at a social gathering, at the grocery store, or even in the street. That usually leaves us feeling sheepish. We sputter through an apology, but both we and the other party know that it was an embarrassing oversight.

The disciples had had ample opportunities to recognize their risen Lord. It would seem that after the times He had  shown up unannounced in their midst, they would have been keen to spot the next sighting of their Lord, but their attention was focused elsewhere.  Peter, perhaps feeling blue at the way things had turned out, said to his fellow disciples, “I’m going fishing” (John 21:3), and seven  who were with him at the time, said they’d go along, and they did. Imagine that!  The risen Christ was around somewhere in the Galilean area and could show up anywhere, anytime, and they were going fishing. So they went fishing, and  when they came back to shore, Jesus was waiting for them on the beach.  But they didn’t recognize Him. They had been  distracted. They had lost focus.

How like us! Our sight at times is set on other things, on our disappointments, perhaps on other people, instead of on Jesus. We become distracted by our own priorities. However, all of us who are called by His name and know of His power as well as His love for us can never allow ourselves to be distracted by going fishing, for in doing so, we are likely to lose focus and not be able to rcognize Jesus when we return from our own preoccupation.   His presence awaits us on the shore, but if our focus is elsewhere and we’re not looking for Him, we surely won’t recognize Him.  We have to be alert to see Him standing anywhere on life’s beach, where we can recognize Him in the faces of little children, the lonely and the discouraged, and in the people He places in our path to bless us and to be blessed by us. Wherever He appears, let us be  alert to recognize Him and give Him the honor and attention that He deserves. We may be embarrassed by not recognizing a friend, but not recognizing Jesus is of far greater consequence because, as He has said, “Without me you can do nothing” (John 15:5).

Prayer: Lord Jesus, open our eyes  so that we will  always be alert to Your presence and be able  to recognize  You in all of life’s circumstances.


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  • Marjorie

    Thank you for helping to recalibrate our relationship with our Saviour. For surely this month has already become crowded with plans, duties etc where we’ve applied peripheral blinders, missing out on the most important view, which is Jesus Christ.
    Lord help me to set my sight only on you.

    • Judith Nembhard

      Marjorie, you have the right spirit for these times, which are certainly challenging. Keeping our eyes on Jesus is the answer. Thanks for your comment which will help others. JN

  • Fartema Fagin

    Today is a Holiday to bring attention to the accomplishments of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. As I watched the live service from Ebenezer Baptist Church, I questioned whether we realize the speaker’s message, titled ‘You Are Living in Enemy Territory’ is wake-up call for end times we’re living in. The speaker referred us to Psalm 23.
    Prior to watching the service, a Haiku poem formed in my thoughts, and slipped onto my notepad.

    ‘Be a voice for change,
    The pulpit was King’s platform,
    He used it wisely.’

    In conclusion, may we stay focused on Jesus, and the mission He has for his disciples.

    • Judith Nembhard

      Hi Fartema, your words “may we stay focused on Jesus” is a prayer for all of us. Thank you for the good words that you brought us. JM

      • Doreen Thompson

        Indeed, Judith, we need to acknowledge the presence of the Trinity in our every day lives. Accordingly, we should respond by showing our love by how we treat others. In these chaotic times, there are so many opportunities to bring honor and glory to the Most High.

        Let’s be mindful also of His Inner Presence. Those times when the still small voice within us is prompting us to listen to His word, follow His direction, and change course. Let’s never forget He’s the
        Author and Perfector of our faith.
        Heb: 12 2.

        • Judith Nembhard

          Well said, Doreen, especially the part about showing our love by how we treat others. That is one major way to recognize or Lord. Thanks for your thoughtful comment. JN

  • Nanette Schell

    Thank you again Judith for jolting me into the realization that all of the earthly things I do and think about daily
    are of little importance if Jesus isn’t there to guide me. I need a reminder from time to time to spend more time thinking about jesus instead of what I must do today or what has to be done tomorrow.
    Showing love towards our brothers and sisters in this world are important and should never be denied because of race or color. Our blood is the same color no matter the color of our skin.
    I think back to the wonderful speech Dr. Martin Luther King said. ” One day I will see all god’s little children standing hand in hand”.
    I think it was Tolstoy who also said. “Put out your hand and hold on, it is so simple”.
    With out the love and support of jesus there is little meaning in our lives. To put out my hand to Jesus when I ask for his help is so simple.
    Please forgive me if my quotes are not word perfect, but I think the message is very clear.

    • Judith Nembhard

      Hello Nan,
      What a wonderful declaration you’ve made in your comment! I wish everyone would read it and savor your message. Every word of it is a blessing. I’m blessed by your heart of love. JN